In line with my current obsession for duplicating television show lots in The Sims 3, and inspired by watching the show on streaming, I decided to try and create the camp from this beloved old show. It's all on one lot, so some of the angles might not be perfect, and there wasn't room (sadly) for the mine field or Rosie's bar, but pretty much everything else I can recall is there. There is some custom content used, which you'll need to download and install to get the look in my photos. Otherwise, the game will substitute something else for those items. Links will be inserted as the areas in which they are used are discussed.
First is the hospital/office building. I looked around online for a good layout for this, but the only one I could locate was, well, a little impractical. It wasn't all bad, and the content of the rooms was decently done, but the post-op area was a bit odd, being stuck on the opposite side of the clerk's office from the rest of the hospital. Plus, the building's shape wasn't the T-shape we see in the show. So, I looked at stills from the show, trusted the layout for some of the details, and rearranged things to what seems to me to be a far more logical layout.
For now you can ignore the other buildings. The T-shaped one is the focus here. At the far left, you have the scrub room and x-ray room. There are two sinks and a towel rack for the surgeons to prep. They even have clean smocks.
In the x-ray room, you have a bed and "x-ray lamp", which is just a bright floor light, and on the wall, if you want it, an actual bit of x-ray "art".
This can be located in the hospital set at Around the Sims 3. This site has a LOT of very nice custom content, more of which is used in this lot, and I highly recommend the site owner, Sandy, as a creator. I've used her stuff for years, with no issues, and that's actually the only site to which I've donated. Anyway, next to those small rooms is the operating room.
I didn't use her beds for that, as they seem a bit too modern, but you could place the invisible pinball thing to make it seem as though your sims are "operating" on another sim. The medical instruments are also at that link, though the kidney pan set is from this one - Around the Sims 3 - Sims 4 to 3 - Pet Clinic/Veterinary. If you don't want to use these items, there is a set of tools in the supply shed you can toss on the tables. You could use a mirror for an "x-ray screen", also. At the center of the T, we have pre-op.
This includes three cots, a sink and counter, and a chemistry station. There isn't a place pictured that I can recall for lab work, so I stuck it in there. To the right of that is post-op, in a far more practical location.
Eight cots, an IV bag from that same hospital set, a nurse's desk, with a "typewriter" - Antique Writing Machine. You could use a computer, if you don't mind an anachronism. On the stem of the T, we have the offices of the colonel, whichever one you want to use, and the company clerk. The typewriter is in there as well, along with some items from the ATS police station set - Sims 4 to 3 - Police Station. The desk, filing cabinets and bookcase are perfect for an old-school Army base. Again, you could use others, but these look better. Radar's cot and teddy bear are included.
Next up is The Swamp, the tent occupied by Captains Pierce and McIntyre, later Hunnicutt, and Major Burns, later Winchester.
This tent includes four bunks (because there was a character called "Spearchucker" Jones very early on), a "still" (created from a bar and some props), dartboard (beside the door, not on it, as that's all you can do in Sims), footlockers for personal gear (ATS Simon's Bedroom), and a "poker" table, that is modded off of the backgammon one in the game (ATS3 Poker for 4 sims). If you move that, you'll have to use the "moveObjects on" cheat to replace it. The game board works as the table, and then you place a suitable table beneath it using the cheat. Be sure, if you do this, to turn the cheat to "off".
Other tents meant for sleeping include Father Mulcahey's tent, complete with a cross on the exterior, and a Bible on the nightstand. He has a desk with the typewriter for preparing sermons. The Bible and cross can be found at ATS (I did mention that I use a lot of her content!) - ATS Church set
Major Houlihan's tent is next door. The interior of hers is here:
The photo collection on the wall can be found at ATS Irish Pub set. No military men, as she preferred, but the basic look is close.
Moving on, we come to the nurses' tent. This includes four sets of bunk beds, so it will sleep eight nurses, though we only saw four in the tent at any given time. There were more nurses, and they had to sleep somewhere, so we have accommodations here. They also have a "vanity" (desk) with mirror, makeup, and jewelry, and some artwork.
There is a tent for the colonel and one for visiting VIPs. The VIP tent is pretty basic, since there wouldn't be anything personal in there.
The Colonel's Tent has a cot, footlocker, bookcase and chair, and a desk. I tossed in a horse wall hanging, but couldn't locate any decorative golf clubs. If you know where to find some, please let me know! They'd be great for Blake.
Beside the nurses, we come to the Mess Hall. This has plenty of seating, and a commercial kitchen, in case you want to change the lot designation from residential to community. The oven is there, and a refrigerator and coffee pot, along with bags of produce. I couldn't locate any bags of potatoes, sadly.
Beside that is Klinger's Tent. This might have been used as a barber shop in some episodes, but the styling station is way too large for the tent, so it's been omitted. If we had one smaller, like the styling chair from The Sims 2, it could be fitted, but I haven't seen one online. So, he has bunks, a footlocker, and a dressmaker's dummy. You could toss a decorative sewing machine on the footlocker if you want. Around the Sims 3 has one. :D
Across the lot, we have the Showers, Officer's Latrine, Laundry, and Storage Shed. The showers and latrines are not designated for male or female, this being currently set as a residential lot. Doors on the latrines could be changed if you change that. For the showers, they'll just have to hang a sign or something! Since the show used the same building for both, I left it open.
Don't ask me why the shower doors (gates) look darker; it's something the game does now and then. Annoying, but that's EA for you!
The laundry includes Cloudwalker Sims' awesome wringer washing machine. I love this piece. My grandfather actually owned one of this sort, and used it. They used sinks in the show, and hung the laundry, so a clothesline is included outside the building.
The Supply Shed comes loaded with uniforms, whites, blankets, sheets and towels, cleaning supplies, medicines, and tools.
There is custom content here, for the folded clothing, the linens, except for the rolled towels, the boots and cleaning supplies, and the shelves themselves.
ATS3 laundry stuff (not sure if I used things from this or not)
ATS# more laundry things and bucket
ATS3 Survival Box - part of a camping set, which is pretty cool
ATS3 thrift store stuff, for the boots
You could work without some of this. There are the rolled towels and some other folded clothing included in the official content, and a little bit of laundry stuff, but I like the look better with these items. If you don't download them, the game will substitute something else, so you'll have to go in and fix it with whatever you choose to place, instead. EA likes to toss in potted plants, which would look pretty silly.
There is a Motorpool area in back of the hospital building. This includes two of this awesome Jeep from FreshPrinceCreations. I wanted an old style ambulance, but so far haven't located one. The Jeeps are great, though. The stones covering the parking space stripe are places with "moveObjects on", so take care in moving them.
Not the perfect location for the motorpool, I know, but space on the lot is limited, and they fit there.
I also included one helicopter landing area. They had two, I know, but again, there isn't enough space on these lots. So, one, and I did add in a paramedic helicopter from SimminginMagnificentStyle. It's only decor, and the exterior can't be recolored for whatever reason, so you might not want to use it. I'd love an old-school Huey, but I can't find one anywhere, decorative or otherwise. You could just leave the space empty, since there wasn't one in camp all of the time anyway. Again, if you do locate a good one, Army colors, please let me know!
I added one thing that we never see in the show; a tent for the enlisted men. It's behind the other tents, and has "latrines" (EA outhouses) nearby, since the others are supposedly for officers.
Inside are four sets of bunks, just as for the nurses, a couple of pieces of wall decor, footlockers, and another poker table. The space was too close to tents to be used for a mine field, so I went with this instead.
Finally, we have the Officer's Club.
This was open to enlisted as well, and includes amenities seen in the show, including a bar (Late Night style so it works if you change the lot type, and sims can still make drinks on it in a residential lot), plenty of seats, slot machines, a jukebox, and a pinball machine, along with plenty of Oriental art.
It's a great place for the sims to relax after a long day of sewing soldiers back together.
I've labeled all of the structures for you, so that you can see the layout for yourself:
The "roof" on the hospital building is flat, with "flooring" that resembles shingles, and "constrainFloorElevation false" was used to create a sort-of slope. I didn't want the "tent look" of the other roofs, and also wanted the red crosses, so this is the result. You can always just use a green roof if you want. Unfortunately, we can't use multiple roof styles on one lot, or change individual sections to another color. That would be handy, but EA didn't think of it, apparently.
Oh, one more link, for those necessary stone borders - TSR Mensure stone garden fence. You really need these for the outsides of the tents. RA has nothing even close.
Anyway, this is the lot, and I hope you like it. If so, download and recommend, please! Also, share the links to this blog, so that people can enjoy this and other uploaded items. I'll be linking more that are already available, and hopefully uploading many that aren't yet.
(download link to be inserted as soon as the lot uploads to the exchange - please be patient!)
Thanks for looking. LGE
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